338 W lancaster ave haverford PA 19041


Wynnewood is one of the neighborhoods located on the Main Line and home to prominent institutions such as Lankeanu Hospital, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Palmer Theological Seminal and Friends’ Central School. Residents of Wynnewood cooperate with neighboring town Ardmore. South Ardmore Park is both partly in Wynnewood and in Ardmore which offers free and low-cost summer camps, sporting activities, walking paths and a luxuriant setting. Wynnewood is mostly residential with shopping options in various clusters. The largest shopping center is Wynnewood Shopping Center offering a variety of retail stores, barber shops, grocery store and several eateries. Along with tree-shaded streets and mature old stone homes, Wynnewood has also been known historically for its car dealerships. Wynnewood also offers a SEPTA commuter rail station for easy service to 69th Street and Center City.